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Killossery Lodge Stud Balmoral Qualifiers and TRM spring tour show

Killossery Lodge Stud Rolestown, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland

We travelled to Kilossery for their leg of the TRM Spring Tour. We had 4 horses with us today Cushlas Du Mondale LFS Lord Uno Culdearg Clover Lad Pallas Robin All horses putting in some solid rounds and stepping up a grade proving more than capable. Looking forward to our next day out

Killossery Lodge Stud – Showjumping Lessons

Killossery Lodge Stud Rolestown, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland Jim Donohoe is teaching in Killossery Lodge Equestrian Center tomorrow evening Tuesday 11-March If interested in lessons contact Jim on 0876668772    


Emerald Equestrian – Showjumping Clinic

Emerald Equestrian Mulgeeth, Enfield, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Jim is doing a showjumping clinic in Emearld Equestian on Sunday 23rd March all levels catered for €50 for 1 hr lesson Contact Jim on 0876668772 to book a place.
