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Showjumping – JAG TRM/ Showjumpers Club Spring Tour

Jag Equestrian Centre Winterdown Farm, Rathmore West, Naas, Co. Kildare, Ireland

What a fantastic first day out of 2025, we had 3 horses out at Jag Equestrian for the first leg of the TRM Spring Grand Prix. 1st PLACE - Pallas Robin had an outstanding fast round in the 1.05 to win the class. 1st PLACE in 5yr Class & 6th PLACE overall - Cushlas du Mondale also had a superb clear in the 1.05 and was the highest place 5yr old in the class. 2nd PLACE - Culdearg Clover Lad starting the season off with a fantastic 2nd place in the TRM Grand Prix in a very competitive class Massive … Continued

Showjumping – Cavan 3 Day February 3 Day Horse- Inc. Spring Tour

Cavan Equestrian Latt, Co. Cavan, Ireland

Cavan TRM Spring Tour Febuary 2025 – 1st & 3rd Place We had a great first show back at Cavan Equestrian Centre for their 3 day Spring tour We had 4 horses with us: Cushlas Du Mondale - 3rd Place in 1.10 Culdearg Clover Lad - 1st Place in 1.20 Pallas Robin MT Captain Morgan All horses jumped fantastic over the few days with some placings in the 1.10 and 1.20 with some stepping up a grade also and each picking up invaluable ring experience. Very happy with all the horses and looking forward to our next outing. Big thanks … Continued

Showjumping Clinic – Emerald Equestrian 23 Feb

Emerald Equestrian Mulgeeth, Enfield, Co. Kildare, Ireland

SOLD OUT for Riders - Come watch our showjumping clinic.   These lessons are an exclusive opportunity for riders and horses to reach their maximum potential. Please note the following: You will be required to tack up your horse Having a Personal Accident Insurance Policy is mandatory for these lessons as the venue is not a regular riding school and so is not covered by regular riding school insurances. All members taking lessons. DONOHOE SHOWJUMPING LIVERY: We have had a fantastic year with all the horses that came through the yard green and experienced each gaining invaluable experience along the way. … Continued


Showjumping – TRM & SJC Horse Spring Tour Inc Qualifiers – Placed 2nd, 6th & 8th

Wexford Equestrian Riverfalls, Tomhaggard, Co. Wexford, Ireland

Wexford Equestrian TRM & SJC Horse Spring Tour Inc Qualifiers Sat 1st March TRM / SJC HORSE SPRING TOUR inc Young horse league qualifiers Brilliant day of jumping at Wexford Equestrian for their leg of the TRM Spring Tour. Pallas Robin had a fantastic clear in a fast time to take home 2nd in the 1.05. LFS Lord Uno also jumped a smashing round in the 1.05 to finish 8th in a very competitive class. Cushlas Du Mondale was also in the 1.05 jumping a brilliant round along with MT Captain Morgan Culdearg Clover Lad finished 6th in a very … Continued

Emerald Equestrian for the TRM Spring Tour GP – 3rd

Emerald Equestrian Mulgeeth, Enfield, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Another lovely day of Jumping at Emerald Equestrian for the TRM Spring Tour GP We had 5 horses out with us. Ballycoolan Cruise jumped a fantastic clear in the 1m to take home 3rd in a big class. Cushlas Du Mondale also jumped a lovely double clear in the 1m taking 1st in his age category. LFS Lord Uno and Pallas Robin had two super rounds in the 1.15m. Culdearg Clover Lad was in the 1.35 Grand Prix jumping a smashing round also. Big thanks to all the staff at Emerald Equestrian for a brilliant show.

Killossery Lodge Stud Balmoral Qualifiers and TRM spring tour show

Killossery Lodge Stud Rolestown, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland

We travelled to Kilossery for their leg of the TRM Spring Tour. We had 4 horses with us today Cushlas Du Mondale LFS Lord Uno Culdearg Clover Lad Pallas Robin All horses putting in some solid rounds and stepping up a grade proving more than capable. Looking forward to our next day out

Killossery Lodge Stud – Showjumping Lessons

Killossery Lodge Stud Rolestown, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland Jim Donohoe is teaching in Killossery Lodge Equestrian Center tomorrow evening Tuesday 11-March If interested in lessons contact Jim on 0876668772    


Emerald Equestrian – Showjumping Clinic

Emerald Equestrian Mulgeeth, Enfield, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Jim is doing a showjumping clinic in Emearld Equestian on Sunday 23rd March all levels catered for €50 for 1 hr lesson Contact Jim on 0876668772 to book a place.
